In general, the word husband is understood. A woman’s mate. I grew up with the understanding that my father was my mother’s husband. We were an intact family. At the time it didn’t occur to me that we were any different from anyone else in our small community. We were the norm.
Today I have a husband. This year he will have held that title for 50 years. Change as we go along in life is inevitable. I would guess that some get meaner, others nicer and more thoughtful. Like every other married couple we have gone through extremely difficult times. I am sure sometimes my husband would liked to have clobbered me and sent me to the wood shed! And to be honest, I can recall instances when he left for work I wasn’t looking forward to his return.
But today! This incredible man is my partner in life. He listens, responds, comments, pays attention, works, advises, encourages and most of all is loyal. As we face the future we live two lives, different goals woven together to create a picture of “us”. I pray that we have many years to follow.