Someday, my dear children, you might only read about your grandmother. Perhaps someone will be able to tell you stories about who I was. My prayer is that you learn about life from those who have gone before you, and make your decisions based on wisdom. My life has taken an abrupt turn and I would like to discuss it with you.
You will be faced with many choices in your life. We always hope that once we figure out a choice was not the best, we can back track and “fix” the situation. Sometimes we do, other times; it’s not possible. For example, driving recklessly can result in accidents that injure or kill. There is no going back. Or, eating something we know is not healthy usually can be rectified by choosing better foods the next day. Of course, continuing unhealthy or unwise actions results in habits and pathways that are difficult to change. I know.
I have asked myself many times if there is any way to hit the talked-about “re-set” button. Can I ever forget bad decisions? Or more seriously, can I lead a new life just because I believe I WANT to start over?
Each of you will have an opinion of your family members. Some are charming, loud, quiet, thoughtful, selfish, silly, ambitious, lazy, smart and just plain “not smart”! Our family has faced serious health issues, divorce, autism, mental challenges, suicide, financial struggles and so much more. On the good side we can be considered to be ambitious, goal oriented, intelligent, creative, funny, successful financially, good looking, AND, oh my, we could go on and on!
Who you are, and who you become, is entirely up to you! Choices for how you look, where you work, and whom you marry are all decisions for you. I was once engaged to a very nice young man. When my Dad discussed it with me he said this “just remember, you have to live with that decision all your life”. After thinking through my choices, I broke the engagement. I then met Grandpa Jim. We lived for nearly 52 years together. The choices we faced were many. Businesses, houses, children, cars, furniture, food—everything was a choice.
When your grandfather was gone, I faced choices again. Starting over was an option. It was a choice I made. Many circumstances of my life now look like I have truly started over. There is a new, wonderful man in my life. New home, furniture, cars, etc. Here’s what I want you to know, dear children……..there is NO re-set button. We live with our past. Some call it “baggage”. Sometimes we are able to overcome troubling life situations but it will always be with us. Forever. Scars, memories—they are all there. The wonderful memories are there too. Think about your choices and if you will be proud of them tomorrow, or next year!
There is NO re-set button. We just move on. Good memories, regrets, sadness, and joy! We all face them. Reach for the full joy of living a good life. Moral choices, seeking a relationship with your Heavenly Father—that prepares you for the greatest satisfactions in life. Oh well, let me say it: eat right. You’ll feel better too!
Hitting the Re-set Button (more advice from your grandmother!)
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